
okay laterz

PC:random, ashleydisharoon, andydavis, me, tumblr, pursenboots, brookkeegan
hubba hubba dylan, kid n play yesss, single fin yellow wedgie, first paddle out, lovechild, mandy and me, post coachella shoot.


little indian starfish

photography by travis mccormick. a few shots from a much awaited shoot! my favorite is the fourth photo, very alice in wonderland opening scene :)


no eye contact no eye contact

PC: i-Dmagazine, elleitalia, ellefrance, hedislimane, nylonmagazine, tumblr, flairmag, hedislimane


lion face

PC: thekithandthekin, tumblr, swimtothestars, me, tumblr.
if you know the dude in the third photo, please give him my number. merci :)


drownin in the sea of love

PC: lily kaufman, freepeople. words-fleetwod mac.
a few test shots lily snapped to see if there was chemistry between me and a fellow model ;)
otis and maclain top. 99 cents store dolphin.


momma mermaid

no words on how obsessed i am with these photos hayley shared with me of her momma. and no words on how much trouble i might be in for stealing them from her!


yes that's a mini sombrero

taking over hayley's front yard with 100lbs of sugar, limes, chips, one tecate, two adhesive mustaches, and a lil baby sombrero. shot by erika seress. styled by ashley. models: kylie cusick, me, señor donkey. te gusta la ropa? verlos aqui!


home grown

PC:uglycute, sistergoldenair, rura, bluedegenes, wrangler, santobordello
i love a good weird beard.